
Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Team USA To Be Decked Out in Uniforms Made in China?"

Right now many people talk about the new uniforms for USA team Made in China. I also do not sustain and decided to write what I think about it.

First, like the rest of clothing in America, all (90-95%) is made in China. And it's not a secret. Only for some reason just now started screamed about this. As in past Olympics uniform for USA team was made ​​in America?  I do not think so... So why cry about it now?

And by the way, I do not think that sewing the clothes in the U.S. will be cheaper than in China. Because it is for this reason, almost all the 90% of products made ​​in China, even our favorite products "Apple".

Secondly, all these politicians is better to remain silent. So they do not invest in the sport and even more so in the athletes who represent their country (who risk their health and many more). Too many words about patriotism from their mouths. Just what kind of clothes they wear (probably from Italy) and on what car they drive?

And third, that I personally do not like the clothes at all (design), not now and not in the last Olympics. It is "a great sports show" and his clothing should match this event:
1. should be a sportswear (as a sport event and not a military parade)
2.comfortable (like any other sportswear)
3.vibrant and memorable.

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