
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today, I collected interesting selection of useful tips for all occasions

 Do not rest after working too long, it's just as harmful to the normal strength recovery and preparation for later work as too short vacation.

 Do not stand next to a running microwave oven. According to some experts, the radiated microwave rays are harmful to the body.Absolutely this is not yet provenbut better in advance move away from the works a microwave oven for your safety.

 Do not drink the cocoa, if you want to lose weight or do not want to get fatOne glass of this drink contains 250 (!) Kcal.

 To have a perfectly healthy hair in the first place you need to eat meat and dairy products and eggs. In structure of healthy hair, scientists have discovered more than 60 (!) types of proteins, and mostly they animal origin!

• Do not eat fresh-baked bread - it contains a lot of free organic acids, which are harmful effect on the gastric mucosa and intestine.In the process of drying the bread acid evaporate.

 Do not allow your body to overwork (symptoms: headache, palpitations, sweating, trembling fingers, pain in the heart; satellites overwork - anger, moodiness, moods), at the first sign tiredness stop working. Tiredness can be eliminated by the usual rest, and overwork have to take the medicine, (regulating the activities of exhausted nerve cells).

 Stir sauces, soups and other liquid food during cooking in only one direction - from left to right or from right to leftIn what direction is not important to interfere with - the main thing in one direction only. Dishes are obtained much tastier, the reason why, no one knows.

• The burgers or meatballs must add white loaf of bread. This is not from poverty, or to increase the amount of meat, but this is done for the richness and splendor of the burgers. Bread crumb absorbs and holds meat juices, not allowing him to flow into the panBy the way, for this purpose is better suited hard bread is to soaked in milk or water.

 If you have a vertical crack appears frequently in the middle of the lower lip, and perhaps many of you, it also the bleeds, it means that the body lacks vitamin A. This vitamin in one form or another should not only to take by mouth, but also put a butter on the lips, which has a lot of vitamin A.

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