
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Good afternoon, dear friends! 
   Today I woke up and saw that the outside cloudy and rainy. And in my soul am feeling sadly, too.Then I walk into my office and I see my list that I have to do today, I call it "Only today." Well and ending this list with the words"think and behave optimistically and you will feel joyful"...

   And I think now that the most urgent question for people is: what happens to me, what will be my future?
    And I think that now more than ever need to focus on a positive vision of our spiritual world and our future! Because your future will be, what yourself see it!
   Perhaps because these problems are not so much an economic or political characteras all the problems inside us. And I think that the "economic crisis" is just another life lesson that we have to do something to reconsider our values ​​in life.
    Pay attention to yourself and remember the wise words of King Solomon: "Poverty can not be cured with money. Poverty is treated only with wisdom! ".
   And that means it's time to become be wise, my friends! It's time to invest in yourself!
     There are plenty of books that can teach so muchthat you did not know or could not do. And not necessary to buy them, just you can go to the public library to select and read for free (and there you can also use the Internet for free.) At last, you can also do sports, too, and do not necessarily go to the sports club. This you can do at home  (20 minutes active cleaning the house is 2 hours of exercise a sports club (the same number of calories lose)). I've never had a weight problem, as I always do something at home. And most importantly, when I was busy working I do not even have time to think about something badIn the evening I usually already so tired, that especially there is no strength to think about something sad. Just what you need to do tomorrow. That is something to think about ...?By the way, good idea! I think next time I'll start to write, how to save money.

And in the end, when I was visited by sad thoughts this morning, I say to myself: "Just today, I will try to adapt to the life that surrounds me and not try to adjust everything to my desires.I will accept my family, my job and the circumstances of my life such as they are have, and try to accommodate to them." And I feel good and I enjoy time spent with my kids and cooking dinner. (Of course I will share the recipe)

All the best and good luck my friends!

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